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25/01/2021 · WEBINAIRE: Aujourd’hui la plupart des industriels n’utilisent pas toutes leurs capacités pour optimiser leur production. Dans ce webinaire, nous vous proposons de découvrir des actions simples pour améliorer vos perfo

16/12/2020 · COPA-DATA and sproof, two Salzburg-based digitalization companies, have announced the start of a joint partnership. COPA-DATA will use the sproof sign technology for the simple and sustainable collection of digital signatures in its internal processe

10/12/2020 · The zenon software platform for industrial and energy automation has made COPA-DATA a successful global player in these fields. An important share of the international success comes from Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Of this, a sign

20/10/2020 · COPA-DATA construit un bâtiment de bureaux supplémentaire à 250 mètres du siège de la société à Salzbourg. Le projet a démarré par une cérémonie de pose de la premi&eg

23/09/2020 · AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow has been part of the COPA-DATA Partner Community since December 2018. The higher education institution is now opening its own zenon Energy Lab. COPA-DATA is providing the computer equipment and zenon

07/09/2020 · In the Middle East, COPA-DATA’s zenon software platform has become firmly established as the standard software for digitalization and automation in the energy and utility sectors. To strengthen market coverage in the region, COPA-DATA CEE/ME ha

31/07/2020 · At the end of June 2020, a 70-panel photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of the COPA-DATA headquarters in Salzburg and went into operation. More than one third of the location’s annual electricity demand will now be generated directly