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19/05/16 · Cloud computing raises many questions and is often looked at with distrust and skepticism, particularly in industrial companies: How can we benefit from this deployment model? Is our data really secure? This Q&A will give you the answers.

11/05/16 · The growing range of functions of our software is leading to a steady increase of zenon Training Courses. Our team for training competence is now starting with first Online zenon Training Courses. In the future, course participation will therefore be

09/05/16 · Implementing an ideal work-life balance across a team of individuals with varying motivators, interests and backgrounds is no easy feat. With the average British worker spending 43 hours a week sat at their desk and with one in five admitting to spen

19/04/16 · Bespoke machine builder and automation experts Huxley Bertram join the COPA-DATA Partner Community with Registered Partner status from COPA-DATA UK.

13/04/16 · Quest'anno alla SPS IPC Drives dal 24 al 26 Maggio, COPA-DATA Italia presenterà soluzioni robuste e complete per le Smart Factory. Con zenon le aziende possono costruire reti di valore flessibili e scalabili che eccellono per flessibilità ed espandib

16/03/16 · We, as one of the first providers of a process control system, are collaborating on the “DIMA – Decentralized Intelligence for Modular Applications” project, initiated by WAGO. The objective is to create a de-facto standard for decentralized, modular

15/03/16 · We proudly present: the new versions of our software! Numerous new features and improvements ensure simple project configuration as well as robust runtimes and support users with ergonomic implementation of their automation projects.