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02/09/22 ·  Jürgen Resch, Industry Manager for Energy and Infrastructure explains why load flow data is key for grid operations.

01/09/22 · COPA-DATA is one of three companies investing in the new Josef Ressel Centre for Intelligent and Secure Industrial Automation (ISIA) at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

29/08/22 · Stefan Hufnagl explains why using batteries to store energy on a large scale could help create a more economic and environmentally friendly energy grid.

23/08/22 · COPA-DATA Italia organizza gli zenon Days eventi dedicati a chi vuole conoscere meglio zenon Software Platform, la piattaforma software per l’automazione industriale indipendente aperta e semplicissima da usare. Scegli la location più comoda per te!

16/08/22 · The multidisciplinary engineering service provider ematric gmbh helps companies in virtually all sectors worldwide to improve their efficiency and sustainability through automation and robotics. This success is based on decades of experience with zen

11/08/22 · Visit us at drinktec 2022 in hall A3, booth 424. Find out what you can expect from our F&B experts as an OEM or as a beverage producers and book your free ticket right away. 

21/07/22 · COPA-DATA, venditore di software industriale, ha rilasciato zenon 11, l’ultima versione della sua piattaforma software intelligente per i siti industriali ed energetici.