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필터 적용

18. 2. 20. · We are inviting organisations that operate in the energy sector to attend the zenon Energy Day UK, which will be held at Microsoft’s UK headquarters on Tuesday 24, April.

18. 1. 10. · FH Vorarlberg (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences) is the latest education institution to join our global COPA-DATA Partner Community. The university, which is based in Dornbirn in western Austria, is one of the country's leading universities

18. 1. 8. · With straton 9.2, we want to offer all our users a new experience for programming automation programs. We put at your disposal our experience and the know-how of our expert support throughout your projects – from the simplest to the most complex. Now

17. 11. 16. · We are attending DistribuTECH 2018 in San Antonio, Texas from January 23-25. You will be able to find us at booth 1342, demonstrating power transmission and distribution solutions based on our intelligent automation software; zenon.

17. 11. 13. · 요코하마에 본사를 둔 LINX R&D Corporation이 zenon 소프트웨어 시스템의 신규 일본 대리점이 되었습니다. 1990년에 창립된 LINX는 일본 내에서 최첨단 자동화 기술을 배포하는 데 특별한 강점이 있습니다. LINX의 광범위하고 탄탄한 판매 및 파트너 네트워크는 zenon의 배포에 큰 힘이 될 것입니다.

17. 10. 17. · Described as the UK’s biggest showcase for the fourth industrial revolution, the Smart Factory Expo takes place at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool on November 15 and 16.

17. 10. 9. · Imtech Belgium, an expert in industrial services for production and process automation, has been awarded Registered Partner status by COPA-DATA.