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필터 적용

22. 5. 30. · COPA-DATA's New Facility in New Jersey Reinforces Innovative Culture and Commitment to Providing Industry-Leading Technology

22. 2. 17. · COPA-DATA closes the year 2021 with a revenue increase of 18.5 per cent. The company surpassed its record result from 54 million euros in 2020 to global group sales worth 64 million euros.

22. 2. 10. · Salzburg-based software manufacturer COPA-DATA is benefiting from the sustained trend toward digitalization. The company’s corporate growth continues to soar globally, including in Central and Eastern Europe, with a particularly high growth rate in A

21. 10. 20. · Digital Factory Vorarlberg becomes a Gold Partner. COPA-DATA and the research center located at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences intensify cooperation.

21. 9. 9. · From September 7 to 9, the software manufacturer COPA-DATA invited selected customers, partners and research institutions to its hometown of Salzburg for the first-ever zenon Innovation Days.

21. 9. 8. · Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (US, CA, MX) has reached gold level status in the COPA-DATA Partner Community for their continued work using the zenon software platform.

21. 8. 26. · Nowhere are so many automation projects currently being implemented as in China. During his visit to the COPA-DATA HQ, Ambassador Li Xiaosi was able to get an idea of the innovative power of zenon.