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필터 적용

21. 3. 17. · The COPA-DATA closes 2020, a year of global crisis, with a six percent increase in turnover thanks to the continued global thirst for digitalization.

21. 2. 3. · COPA-DATA has been awarded the official certificate of conformity to the ISO 9001 standard. The final audit by TÜV Süd confirms that COPA-DATA has implemented far-reaching processes for quality assurance.

21. 1. 27. · Salzburg University of Applied Sciences has achieved the highest possible partner level in the COPA-DATA Partner Community. It is the first educational institution worldwide to be listed as a Gold Partner.

20. 12. 16. · COPA-DATA and sproof, two Salzburg-based digitalization companies, have announced the start of a joint partnership. COPA-DATA will use the sproof sign technology for the simple and sustainable collection of digital signatures in its internal processe

20. 12. 10. · The zenon software platform for industrial and energy automation has made COPA-DATA a successful global player in these fields. An important share of the international success comes from Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Of this, a sign

20. 10. 20. · COPA-DATA is building an additional office building 250 meters away from the company’s Salzburg headquarters. The project kicked off with a ground-breaking ceremony this week. COPA-DATA is investing over ten million euros in the development, wh

20. 9. 23. · 폴란드 크라쿠프(Kraków)에 소재한 AGH 과학기술 대학교는 2018년 12월 COPA-DATA와 Partner Community를 체결한 이후 지속적으로 협업해 왔습니다. 최근 zenon Energy Lab을 개설하였으며, COPA-DATA는 컴퓨터 장비와 교육용 zenon Energy Edition 라이선스 제공을 통해 학생들에게 zenon 소프트웨어 플랫폼을 직접 경험할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다.