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COPA-DATA Forum with new design and functions

The COPA-DATA Forum has totaled over 14,000 posts, more than 3,500 threads and over 10,000 members since its launch in 2007. More than nine years later, it was time for a technical and visual overhaul. Users can now profit from an improved search function, answer selection and much more.

The consolidation of the user pool, login page of our website, and the forum will have been noticeable to regular users. This results in numerous advantages because one and the same profile can now use “My Area”, “myCatalog” and the forum. This eases access to almost unlimited zenon know-how.

Forum 2.0

And those who cannot find an answer just open a new thread in the forum or use an existing one for their request. The zenon community normally gives a quick answer and our COPA-DATA consultants additionally serve as moderators if an answer to a question becomes more complicated. The new forum is now fully responsive and therefore optimal for use with mobile devices. A new structure also offers clarity over the many threads. Those who would like to read the Forum menu in English or German can always adjust the setting at the bottom left.

New Features

Other than the changed look, further functions have also been updated. Answers can be rated with one to five stars by means of “thread rating” depending how helpful the information was. Those who create a thread can also choose the best answer. These are then listed as the top answer for future users and thereby leads those who initiated the search to a quicker and correct solution. Additionally, the search function was renewed and now delivers the relevant results even quicker. A further tip is to look for a search term both in English and in German.

If you're interested in our COPA-DATA Forum you can just click into it. As a registered user of our website you can register directly with your login details. If you would like to register as a new user, please simply follow this Link. Should you have any problems with your registration please contact webadmin@copadata.com.


Enjoy our new COPA-DATA Forum!
