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2016-05-23 · On the basis of our zenon software, we have started working together with the international power and automation technology group ABB. ABB will market our technology throughout the world in the future, with the name “ABB zenon”.

2016-05-19 · Cloud computing raises many questions and is often looked at with distrust and skepticism, particularly in industrial companies: How can we benefit from this deployment model? Is our data really secure? This Q&A will give you the answers.

2016-05-11 · The growing range of functions of our software is leading to a steady increase of zenon Training Courses. Our team for training competence is now starting with first Online zenon Training Courses. In the future, course participation will therefore be

2016-05-09 · Implementing an ideal work-life balance across a team of individuals with varying motivators, interests and backgrounds is no easy feat. With the average British worker spending 43 hours a week sat at their desk and with one in five admitting to spen

2016-04-19 · Bespoke machine builder and automation experts Huxley Bertram join the COPA-DATA Partner Community with Registered Partner status from COPA-DATA UK.

2016-03-16 · We, as one of the first providers of a process control system, are collaborating on the “DIMA – Decentralized Intelligence for Modular Applications” project, initiated by WAGO. The objective is to create a de-facto standard for decentralized, modular

2016-03-15 · We proudly present: the new versions of our software! Numerous new features and improvements ensure simple project configuration as well as robust runtimes and support users with ergonomic implementation of their automation projects.