Wie funktioniert zenon? Was sagen Branchenmanager? Welche Philosophie steht hinter zenon? COPA-DATA Video-Dokumentationen informieren Sie schnell und gezielt über einzelne Aspekte. Erleben Sie jetzt sofort, wie Sie Automatisierung exakt und sicher an Ihre Anforderungen anpassen.
COPA-DATA image video, WIKARUS second place |
Employer Branding
Employer Branding
Employer Branding
Vorurteile bezüglich Lehre? Nicht bei uns!
Employer Branding
Driving Digital Transformation for Smart Factories & Smart Cities
As the 2017 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award Winner in the worldwide category ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ and long-term Microsoft Gold Partner, COPA-DATA is leading the way in the age of digital transformation within the industry. With its software system zenon in combination with Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform, COPA-DATA delivers powerful and fully integrated Industrial IoT solutions for both manufacturers (Smart Factory) and public organizations (Smart City) – from the sensors up to the cloud and mobile devices. |
zenon Professional Support Services
You want next level engineering for your automation project? |
Industrial Security
Smart Factory
Industrial Security betrifft jedes Unternehmen, das über spezifisches Know How oder sensible Produktionsprozesse verfügt. Das Internet der Dinge, zunehmende Vernetzung mit Kunden und Lieferanten, Cloud Computing sowie die Verwendung von mobilen Devices in der Produktion sind wesentliche Elemente von Industrie 4.0. Die Smarte Fabrik ist eine Chance für mehr Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Nutzen Sie diese Chance aber schützen Sie dabei Ihr Know-How und ihre Produktionsprozesse bestmöglich.
Celebrating 25 Years of COPA-DATA
Together with customers, partners and suppliers from all over the world, we celebrated our 25 year corporate anniversary at the Scalaria in St. Wolfgang, Austria.
Mitsubishi Electric e-F@ctory Partner Video
Automation Solutions
Reinhard Mayr, Product Manager at COPA-DATA, provides an insight into the business collaboration and explains how end customers benefit from the joint energy automation solutions.
zenon Software Platform in Automotive
Products & Solutions
It used to be fun to create things! What about today in the automotive industry? zenon is a software platform that makes the engineering and automated operation of manufacturing equipment incredibly easy. The software platform can help you reach and sustain your operational goals in automotive. Find out more about zenon in Automotive here: |
zenon Softwareplattform in der Energiewirtschaft und Infrastruktur
Products & Solutions
Energy & Infrastructure
Früher hat es doch mal richtig Spaß gemacht etwas zu erschaffen! Wie ist das heute in der Energiewirtschaft? zenon ist eine Softwareplattform, die das Engineering und den automatisierten Betrieb von Energie- und Infrastrukturanlagen spielerisch einfach macht. Die Softwareplattform hilft Ihnen dabei Ihre betrieblichen Ziele in der Energiewirtschaft einfach und nachhaltig zu erreichen. Mehr Informationen über zenon in der Energiewirtschaft finden Sie hier: |
zenon Softwareplattform in der Pharmaindustrie
Products & Solutions
Früher hat es doch mal richtig Spaß gemacht etwas zu erschaffen! Wie ist das heute in der Pharmaindustrie? zenon ist eine Softwareplattform, die das Engineering und den automatisierten Betrieb von Produktionsanlagen spielerisch einfach macht. Die Softwareplattform hilft Ihnen dabei Ihre betrieblichen Ziele in Automotive einfach und nachhaltig zu erreichen. Mehr Informationen über zenon in der Pharmaindustrie finden Sie hier: |
zenon Software Platform in Food and Beverage
Products & Solutions
Food & Beverage
It used to be fun to create things! What about today in the food and beverage industry? zenon is a software platform that makes the engineering and automated operation of manufacturing equipment incredibly easy. The software platform can help you reach and sustain your operational goals in the food and beverage industry. Find out more about zenon in Food and Beverage here: |
zenon IIoT Services (Service Grid)
Products & Solutions
zenon software platform
zenon Software Platform - designed to make your life easier
Products & Solutions
zenon software platform
Früher hat es doch mal richtig Spaß gemacht etwas zu erschaffen! Wie ist das heute? zenon ist eine Softwareplattform, die das Engineering und den automatisierten Betrieb von Produktions- und Infrastrukturanlagen spielerisch einfach macht. Egal ob Sie in der Fertigungsindustrie oder in der Energiewirtschaft Ihre betrieblichen Ziele einfach und nachhaltig erreichen wollen, zenon hilft Ihnen dabei. Mehr Informationen über die zenon Softwareplattform finden Sie hier: |
Energiedatenmanagement mit zenon
Products & Solutions
Energy Data Management
Nachhaltigkeit und der schonende Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen werden immer wichtiger! Deswegen sollte auch Ihr Unternehmen endlich den Weg zum Energiemanagement beschreiten! |
IEC 61850 SSD Import Wizard
Products & Solutions
Energy & Infrastructure
From XML to HMI in a few minutes! Learn how you can draw a single-line diagram into a zenon screen at the touch of a button using the IEC 61850 SSD import wizard. This technology enables a flexible, fast and error-free refurbishment of secondary devices.
Command Sequencer with zenon Energy Edition
Products & Solutions
Energy & Infrastructure
The revolution in transmission substations and distribution control centers.
The Command Sequencer you see in this video is a brand new part of zenon Energy Edition (HMI/SCADA System for substation automation). It allows for graphic creation and recording of automatic switching sequences. With the Command Sequencer you can arrange control commands in a very ergonomic way. PLC engineering is not necessary anymore, as the operator can create, test and change command sequences by himself.
Automatisiertes Engineering mit zenon
Products & Solutions
Automation Solutions
Sie stehen vor der Anforderung, Ihre Produktionsanlage flexibel an die Ansprüche einer Smart Factory anzupassen? Maßgeschneiderte Maschinen und Anlagen sind zwar die Grundlage für flexible und effiziente Produktion – bringen aber einen hohen Grad an Komplexität und Herausforderungen im Software-Engineering mit sich. Die Lösung? Bekommen Sie die Komplexität in den Griff - mit zenon und automatisiertem Engineering. Lesen Sie mehr zum Thema "Automatisiertes Engineering" in unserem Kundenmagazin, Information Unlimited - Vol.29.
Products & Solutions
Energy & Infrastructure
OTITOS steht für Open Test Implementation for IEC 61850-90-5-based Transmission Of Synchrophasor information. Im Projekt OTITOS forschten die Unternehmen EANTC, TTECH, SRFG, Multikom und COPA-DATA gemeinsam an der Frage: Wie kann man Kommunikationsprotokolle der Energiebranche mit branchenfremden aber etablierten Test-Werkzeugen am besten testen?
IEC 61850 Edition 2 Service Tracking
Products & Solutions
Energy & Infrastructure
No other standard has changed the world of energy automation in recent years as much as IEC 61850. The current Edition 2 offers not just improved interoperability, but also many additional possibilities, like for example Service Tracking. See in this video what you can expect from this feature.
Optimizing energy costs in Food and Beverage production
Products & Solutions
Food & Beverage, Energy Data Management
Optimizing energy costs can be easy. How can you achieve it? Use zenon for your Energy Data Management, supporting your ISO 50001 Energy Management certification.
Paper on Glass Application and Electronic Batch Reports with zenon
Products & Solutions
Paper is used a lot in pharmaceutical production environments; it drives the operator through the production sequence and records critical processes. It forms the base to prove each batch is of high quality and compliant to the regulations. Using a batch engine gives you a consistent sequence in production, with clear instructions and safety information.
Was ist ISO 50001? - Energy Management System
Products & Solutions
Energy Data Management
Fragen Sie sich, was ISO 50001:2011 ist? Welche Vorteile hat diese Norm? Und wie kann sie der Umwelt UND Ihrer Effizienz dienen? Sie finden die Antworten in diesem Video. Sie erfahren auch, wie ein Energiedaten-Managementsystem mit dem PDCA Modell zusammenhängt. Und: Finden Sie heraus, wie eine HMI/SCADA Software Lösung Sie dabei unterstützt, ein ISO 50001 konformes Energy Management System zu implementieren.
zenon Sicherheit
Products & Solutions
Sicherheit im Netzwerk und in der Bedienung.
Die zenon Philosophie (Durchgängigkeit)
Products & Solutions
Integration von der Feldebene zu übergeordneten Systemen wie ERP.
zenon Runtime
Products & Solutions
Auch komplexe Prozesse einfach und fehlerfrei bedienbar machen.
Die zenon Philosophie (Internationalisierung)
Products & Solutions
zenon Projekte sind immer bereit für den weltweiten Einsatz.
Die zenon Philosophie (Unabhängigkeit)
Products & Solutions
zenon macht Sie bei der Wahl Ihrer Komponenten komplett unabhängig.
Die zenon Philosophie (Flexibilität)
Products & Solutions
Flexibel bei Hard- und Softwareanbindungen jeder Art.
zenon Editor 1/2
Products & Solutions
Mit zenon arbeiten Sie schneller, sicherer und vermeiden Fehler.
zenon Editor 2/2
Products & Solutions
Schnelles und einfaches Projektieren mit dem zenon Editor.
zenon Rezeptgruppen-Manager
Products & Solutions
In der HMI/SCADA Software zenon wird zwischen Rezepturen und chargenbasierter Produktion unterschieden.
zenon Netzwerk Technologie
Products & Solutions
Wie Sie schnell und einfach ein SCADA Netzwerk einrichten - mit zenon von COPA-DATA.
zenon mit Multi-Touch
Products & Solutions
Multi-Touch Gesten auf HMI/SCADA Touchpanels – mit zenon!
Batch Control in Pharmaceutical und Life Science – mit zenon
Products & Solutions
„Operational Excellence“ erreichen, Flexibilität gewinnen und effizienter validieren.
zenon Science Package
Products & Solutions
The Automation Toolset for LEGO Mindstorms NXT
zenon. Ergonomic Packaging Line Management
Products & Solutions
Food & Beverage
The zenon Product Family represents a development framework for line management systems and many other applications combining maximum openness and flexibility with high-performance automation and IT technologies embedded within reliable ready-made components. Innovative software technology and engineering is enabling international groups to gain freedom and optimization in all the steps of their strategic projects and with all their related costs.
FnB Demo 2014
Products & Solutions
Food & Beverage
OEE und ISO 50001 gehören zusammen - wir zeigen Ihnen warum!
Products & Solutions
Food & Beverage
Einige Antworten darauf, warum sich die HMI/SCADA Software zenon hervorragend für das Sammeln und Aufbereiten von Energiedaten eignet.
Batch Control in Food & Beverage – mit zenon
Products & Solutions
Food & Beverage
Hardwareunabhängigkeit, überlegene Usability und umfassende Funktionalität machen Ihre Batchproduktion ergonomisch.
Ergonomics through usability in analysis - Energy SCADA in an electrical network
Products & Solutions
Energy & Infrastructure
Quick and ergonomic analysis with the zenon SCADA system.
Weltbild in zenon
Products & Solutions
Ob ganze Fabrikhallen oder komplexe Schaltanlagen – das smarte Weltbild in zenon durchbricht die Grenzen Ihres Bildschirms. So ermöglicht zenon, dass Sie Ihre gesamte Produktion im Auge behalten können.
zenon Automotive Generator
Products & Solutions
Sparen Sie bis zu 98% Projektierungszeit bei der Erstellung von HMI/SCADA Projekten.
Interview Robert Merz, Digital Factory Vorarlberg
Interviews & Events
Bundesministerin Schramböck zu Gast bei COPA-DATA
Interviews & Events
Impressions from zenon Innovation Days 2021
Interviews & Events
See how the participants of zenon Innovation Days 2021 think about the event. |
Visit of the Chinese Ambassador
Interviews & Events
sproof sign demo in zenon
Interviews & Events
COPA-DATA tells us about integrating IoT solutions in manufacturing and public sector
Interviews & Events
Smart Factory
Bringing an IoT solution to production in a specific industry requires a deep understanding of both the said industry as well as Cloud and devices technologies. In addition, a high degree of digitization of companies' processes is necessary. Johannes Petrowisch from our elite partner COPA-DATA came on the IoT Show to share their experience working with customers in manufacturing and public sector integrating Azure IoT technologies in combination with their industrial software platform zenon.
Smart Buildings with zenon
Interviews & Events
COPA-DATA provides sophisticated solutions for Smart Cities in the areas of energy, water, public transportation and smart buildings. With trusted and reliable Industrial IoT solutions, COPA-DATA significantly helps the public sector to enhance the quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs, decrease resource consumption and to engage their citizens more effectively. One example given within this video taken at the Smart City Expo World Congress in 2017 is the customer Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
The fourth industrial revolution in manufacturing
Interviews & Events
Smart Factory
Jürgen Mayrbäurl is Solution Architect IoT (Internet of Things) at Microsoft Austria. He talks about the increasing importance of technological and organizational changes in manufacturing because of the ongoing fourth industrial revolution. This revolution is also named “Industrial IoT”, “Industry 4.0” or “Smart Factory”.
Industrial IoT solutions with zenon and Microsoft Azure for driving operational excellence
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure, Smart City
COPA-DATA is two-time winner of the 2016 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards in the categories “Public Sector: Microsoft CityNext” and “Country Partner of the Year in Austria”. Learn more in this video about COPA-DATA’s partnership with Microsoft as well as the Industrial IoT solution based on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
Industrial IoT for Smart Cities with zenon
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure, Smart City
With its software system zenon, COPA-DATA delivers powerful and fully integrated Industrial IoT solutions for Smart Cities – from the sensors up to the cloud and mobile devices. COPA-DATA’s Smart City solutions significantly help the public sector to enhance the quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs, decrease resource consumption and to engage their citizens more effectively.
COPA-DATA on Big Data
Interviews & Events
Smart City
COPA-DATA talks about Big Data and gives its view on the coming challenges for private businesses in the world of industry 4.0 and the public sector in terms of Smart Cities.
Innovative Remote Monitoring & Control Solutions for Smart Cities
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure, Smart City
Smart cities use technology to enhance the quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs, decrease resource consumption and to engage their citizens more effectively. One example given within this video taken at the Nordic Edge Expo in Stavanger in 2016 is Gorenjske Elektrarne (GEK), a publicly owned renewables energy producer from Slovenia. The customer is using COPA-DATA’s software zenon and Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform to monitor and control more than 40 power plants located across Slovenia.
Global Partner Academy (GPA) 2016 - looking back!
Interviews & Events
The GPA 2016 is over and we had two interesting, fun and enlightening days in Munich. With more than 180 participants from 27 countries we all had the opportunity to meet up for great discussions and meetings. Thank you to all our participants for making the GPA 2016 into a true success. All the videos and presentations from GPA 2016 are available in the myArea on the COPA-DATA website (partner login area).
COPA-DATA Global Partner Academy 2016
Interviews & Events
The Global Partner Academy (GPA) is a two-day event for all members of the COPA-DATA Partner Community. Our goal is to give our partners in-depth, straight forward and clear communication regarding COPA-DATA and the zenon Product Family. We pride ourselves on attaining the right atmosphere and level of expert insight for our partners during these days. The GPA 2016 takes place from June 15-16 in Munich, Germany!
COPA-DATA @ Smart City Expo World Congress 2015 in Barcelona
Interviews & Events
Smart City
zenon is a powerful solution for collecting, visualizing and analyzing data in real-time from the sensors up to the cloud and mobile devices – resulting in a complete end-to-end IoT solution for the public sector. It helps to increase overall efficiency and to save valuable resources in the areas of energy, water/waste water, public transportation and building automation. Watch this video from the Smart City Expo World Congress 2015 in Barcelona to learn more.
The Importance of Software in Industrial Environments
Interviews & Events
Automation Solutions, Automotive, Energy & Infrastructure, Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical
Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister (University of Kassel, Germany) talks about the importance of software in industrial automation and production environments.
Advanced Manufacturing
Interviews & Events
Automation Solutions, Automotive, Energy & Infrastructure, Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical
For the TV documentary series 'High Tech Manufacturing' COPA-DATA was interviewed about our views on the UK manufacturing sector and how advanced manufacturing positively influences this market.
SmartCity solutions with zenon: COPA-DATA @ SmartCity Expo World Congress 2014
Interviews & Events
Smart City
COPA-DATA helps governments and its citizens with its SmartCity solutions based on zenon to face the challenges of tomorrow, especially in the areas of energy, water/wastewater, public transportation and smart buildings. Watch this video from the SmartCity Expo World Congress in Barcelona to learn more.
COPA-DATA visits Distributech
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
Rainer Michelis discusses COPA-DATA’s role in energy automation in an interview at the Distributech Energy Conference 2012.
COPA-DATA visits PowerGEN Europe
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
Station and network control systems with the common protocols IEC 61850 and IEC 60870.
Microsoft CityNext Webcast: Smart City-Lösungen mit zenon
Interviews & Events
Smart City
Wie lassen sich Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Energie, Wasser und öffentlicher Transport erzielen? Wie können heterogene Hardwarelandschaften und Altsysteme in ein zentrales System integriert werden? Wie können Sie Ihre bestehende Infrastruktur mit Hilfe von Echtzeitdaten und deren Visualisierung und Analyse effizienter nutzen? In diesem Webcast als Teil der Microsoft CityNext Partner-Webcast Reihe erfahren Sie mehr zu unserem Partner COPA-DATA und Ihrer zenon Lösung.
IoT mit zenon für mehr Effizienz in der Fertigung – erklärt von Microsoft
Interviews & Events
Smart Factory, Smart City, Automation Solutions
IoT in der Fertigung bietet ganz konkrete Möglichkeiten um Ressourcen zu sparen und wettbewerbsfähiger zu werden. COPA-DATA und Microsoft arbeiten eng zusammen, um zenon und Microsoft Azure eine durchgängige Architektur vom Sensor bis in die Cloud zu ermöglichen.
COPA-DATA auf der SPS/IPC/Drives 2014 in Nürnberg
Interviews & Events
Automation Solutions, Energy Data Management, Smart City, Smart Factory
Highlights: Security in der Automatisierung; Standortübergreifende Lösungen mit Microsoft Azure, Mobile Produktions-Dashboards, Big Data - Google Glass, Energy Data Management System, Business Intelligence, Dashboards und Reporting mit zenon Analyzer, Smart Factory/ Industrie 4.0, Ergonomie/User Interface Design
COPA-DATA über Lösungen im Bereich Industrie 4.0
Interviews & Events
Smart Factory, Smart City
Phillip Werr, Marketing Manager bei COPA-DATA, spricht mit Microsoft über aktuelle Trends im Bereich Industrie 4.0.
COPA-DATA Investment in Forschung und Innovation
Interviews & Events
Automation Solutions, Automotive, Energy & Infrastructure, Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical
Forschung und Entwicklung haben bei COPA-DATA einen sehr hohen Stellenwert. Jährlich werden rund 25 Prozent des Gesamtumsatzes in F&E investiert.
Bridging SCADA Systems and Geoinformation Systems (GIS) - The role in Smart Grids, Simon Back
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
The importance to Global Automation solution companies of IEC 61850, Nigel Allen - Bilfinger
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
Review Energy Experience Day UK 2014, Martyn Williams - COPA-DATA
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
Industrial automation software is one of the keys to creating a grid system that is smart enough to meet rising demand and integrate renewable energy sources. Products like the zenon Energy Edition help make interfaces more efficient and user friendly, while also increasing the security of substations, power plants and wind farms.
IEC 61850 the gateway to cost effective multi-vendor automation, Tony Milne - Advantech
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
STRATON "Embedded solution for Energy", Sébastien Roberto - COPALP
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
Mitsubishi iQ platform - Performance in Substation Automation, David Bean - Mitsubishi
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
Substation automation with IEC 61850, Jürgen Resch - COPA-DATA
Interviews & Events
Energy & Infrastructure
The first step towards attaining an automated substation is through an ergonomic engineering. Jürgen Resch, product manager at COPA-DATA explains why it is important for a system integrator to have the correct tools available to achieve the required result.