Energy Storage Systems with zenon

zenon Energy Edition for energy storage systems | COPA-DATA

Capitalize on a vendor-independent energy solution and leverage the benefits of battery energy storage on any scale, all the way from residential to utility applications. zenon Software Platform helps you control, monitor and optimize system operation, as well as interconnect your assets with other entities in the smart grid environment.

What energy storage solutions can do for you

In the era of the smart grid transition, the utilization of energy storage technologies plays an increasingly important role. Surplus energy can be dynamically stored and released in defined places within an electrical grid. This enables economic energy use in certain grid segments and even self-sufficient microgrid operation. Moreover, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can help stabilize the grid and compensate — through selective charge and discharge — the volatile supply from renewable sources, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) or wind power. 

BESS enables better energy use, power quality and the exploitation of related assets. You can pursue new business models and services on the basis of BESS. Safely and economically operating energy storage assets is now a major concern for operators, investors and customers from all segments of an industrial grid ecosystem. 

The zenon Software Platform builds a solid foundation for operating BESS. Various functions and templates allow you to quickly and easily set up control, monitoring and reporting with great interplay with any other system in the 21st-century energy ecosystem. Here is how you can utilize zenon to optimally exploit BESS.

Build your independent solution from a rich set of functions

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    zenon is used for various applications in and around BESS facilities:

    Features and key benefits

    • Real-time monitoring of battery banks, strings and modules
    • Real-time key performance indicators (KPIs) and dashboards with elements like state of charge (SoC), state of health (SoH) and depth of discharge (DoD)
    • Vendor Independent Connectivity to Battery Management Systems (BMS) and Power Conversion Systems (PCS)
    • Support for IEEE 1547 and SunSpec
    • Seamless integration of BoP components — over 300 protocols supported
    • Industrial protocol gateway for interconnection with third-party systems (DNP3, IEC 60870, ICCP, OPC-UA and many more)
    • Structured alarm processing
    • Sequence of Event Tracking (SoE)
    • Integrated historian for long-term data archives
    • Dynamic reporting and analytics
    • Programmable soft logic (IEC 61131-3)
    • Mobile event notification (e-mail, SMS, VoIP)
    • Role-based access control
    • Internet of Things (IoT) gateway for cloud integration
    • HTML 5 web visualization service

    What zenon offers you

    • Highest performance and scalability, for local BESS, control center and cloud-based solutions
    • Hardware independence and compliance with any battery technology, battery management systems and inverter models
    • Effective operations management, through intuitive HMI and comprehensive asset integration
    • Engineering simplicity through configurable functions, templates and automatable engineering
    • Multitude of integrated cyber security measures to support “defense in depth” architectures

    Your benefits

    • Store your excess energy and use it effectively
    • Profit from a securely interconnected solution that uses all relevant information
    • Gain advanced insight into system operation and easily drill down into the details
    • Provide purposeful access to information for various stakeholders from different domains
    • Start with the essentials and simply scale up your solution step by step whenever necessary

    Flexible platform for integrated BESS operation

    A BESS facility needs to effectively operate in the context of the dynamic grid environment. On the one hand, this involves the tight control and monitoring of the inner components and states of the storage system, such as heating, ventilation and air condition (HVAC), BMS, SoC, DoD or SoH indicators. 

    On the other hand, the BESS system needs to closely interplay with outbound systems to optimally fulfill its purpose. This may include distributed energy resource (DER) generators, consumers, utility control systems like distribution management systems (DMS) or distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS), grid interconnections or specific aggregator, planning or forecasting tools.

    zenon represents a powerful tool to support the optimal operation of BESS of any form and in any business environment. With a comprehensive set of ready-to-use functions and a unique collection of protocol drivers and data interfaces, zenon supports the administration of the energy storage process, as well as effective coordination with the auxiliary system landscape.

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      Seamless connectivity and networking

      Seamless data exchange with diverse systems is considered a primary enabler for the optimal functioning of smart grid solutions. Besides the connection of fundamental components such as BMS or charge controllers, a set of BoP components contribute to the effective operation of the industrial BESS system. A major success factor is a flexible platform that is open to integrating any system and which can easily adapt and extend whenever the solution needs to grow. 

      zenon offers a unique spectrum of connectivity options, including a vast range of industrial and energy protocols, proprietary device protocols and web-based protocols. Connecting to industrial hardware and accessing the data of the surrounding systems becomes simple and straightforward.

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        Standards and tools for fast project realization

        Engineering in zenon is supported by standards and tools that enable simple combinations of solution components. zenon offers powerful methods for creating templates with rich functional content and precisely adjustable interfaces. For instance, the BESS Application Library in zenon supports the simple integration of components like BMS, inverters and diverse BoP equipment through predefined application templates, based on standard data models such as SunSpec. This makes creating and commissioning the overall solution a straightforward and enjoyable task.


        A key concern in modern energy storage applications is ensuring strict confidentiality and integrity for your solution. zenon ties seamlessly into any environment, incorporating the specifics of modern operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) security. You can utilize various features in this context, such as central user authentication and authorization, protocol encryption, central logging or file tampering recognition. Moreover, zenon is suited perfectly to work in combination with state-of-the-art security tools.

        Curious how your Energy Storage solution could look like with zenon?

        Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information about how zenon will help your business achieve operational excellence. Contact us today to learn more.


        The high level of risk present in the pharmaceutical industry has made many manufacturers hesitant to move away from paper documentation and embrace the total digitalization of the manufacturing plant. As drug patents expire, however, production efficiency becomes increasingly important. At COPA-DATA, we have developed our pharmaceutical manufacturing software zenon to help companies overcome industry challenges and optimize their processes using innovative technology.

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